Updated: April 28, 2011
As you may know, I'm a fan of using browsers without Javascript enabled at all times. No, not because of security, but simply because I prefer to keep it simple and quiet, even if the default behavior might be crippled. But usage debate aside. I'm not here to preach about how and why you should or should not run with Javascript enabled. I'm here to tell you about Notscript, a Google Chrome extension.
Notscript is inspired by Noscript, a Firefox addon, which allows whitelisting sites, including all kinds of plugins like Javascript, Java, Flash, Silverlight, and others. While Noscript runs in Firefox, Notscript is specifically designed for Chrome. What more, the setup is a little less trivial than you might expect. Let's see how we can get it properly setup.
Noscript configuration
Head over to Google Chrome Extensions site and install Notscript. Now, after you do this, there's a handful of steps ahead of you, which you need to complete before you can use the extension properly.
Setup password
Now comes the tricky part. The way Google Chrome works, Noscript must have a password set, to prevent sites from viewing the whitelisting cache. Don't ask me why, but that's the reality. All right, no worries, we will do that.
We need to open the Google Chrome Application Data folder and navigate into the Notscript extension sub-directory. The instructions are written on the Notscript page, which automatically opens after the extension is installed.
Inside, you will find a file called CHANGE_PASSWORD_HERE.js. Open the file in a text editor, like Notepad++ and change the const ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD directive from an empty string to a password of at least 20 characters. Kind of clunky, I know. After changing the password, save the file and restart Chrome.
Now, let's see Notscript in action.
Notscript running
Very similar to Noscript; you get an icon, which is located in the address bar, on the far right. Click on the icon to expand and toggle the website state on and off. Like Noscript, Notscript loads script in a hierarchy, so if you block the top domain, you block all. The changes happen on the fly. Furthermore, you can temporarily whitelist sites. There's also multi-select for domains with lots of dependencies, so to speak.
If you expand the Notscript options, you can manually manage the whitelist, adding and removing sites. Again, this is very similar to Noscript, so if you're familiar with either one, you'll use the other easily.
More reading
You may also want to check these articles and tutorials:
10 must-have Firefox extensions
Manage Firefox add-ons in centralized manner (an older article)
Notscript is a very handy extension. You may argue that it breaks the Internet and that it's completely unnecessary, given the Chrome sandbox security mechanism and whatnot. Well, no argument there. You are absolutely right. Again, I must emphasize the convenience part of the whole noscripting thingie.
Regardless, if you're looking for the equivalent Noscript functionality for Chrome, it exists. The configuration is a little bit convoluted, but it's a one-time process and fairly manageable. Whether this one extension is going to sway you into using Chrome on a permanent basis, well, that's a different story altogether. The important thing is, you have the choice of technological flexibility, so you only have to decide on taste and ideology.
I hope you like this article. See ya around.