Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Updated: September 9, 2024

On this page, you will find my supposedly witty answers to some rather common questions occasionally tossed hither. You will also find answers to questions no one asked, but I felt compelled to answer them, just in case.

What is Dedoimedo?

Dedoimedo is a website dedicated to technology and software education, science, art, and (often dark) humor. It aims to provide best, most detailed and accurate guides and articles on the Web, on a wide range of topics; operating systems, application reviews, security, and more. Furthermore, Dedoimedo also covers computer games, car reviews, 3D art, popular physics, and life philosophy.

Who are you?

My name is Igor Ljubuncic. I currently work as an author and a freelance coach and mentor on public speaking, presentation skills and writing. I have had a prolific career in the hi-tech industry, spanning medical, high-performance computing, data center, cloud, and hosting domains, with emphasis on complex problem solving and the scientific method. My public porfolio covers 15 patents, 21 books, several open-source projects, numerous articles published in leading journals and magazines, presentations at prestigious international conferences like LinuxCon, CloudOpen, OpenStack days, IEEE events, and more.

For more details, please take a look at the Author information on the About page.

Meaning of the site name

Ah. Depends on who you ask. Dedoimedo variably means 'Grandpa and Bear' in Croatian/Serbian, 'Finger and Fear' in Portuguese, and 'Finger and Half' in Spanish. The correct pronounciation is deh-doh ee meh-doh. The site name was invented after a long and careful deliberation that lasted a total of four seconds.

Official logo and site byline

Dedoimedo's motto is "a place to learn a lot about a lot" - and it tries to embody this message through the vast range of topics it covers. The official logo is the sad-face drawing, which I originally conceived and drew in pencil back in 1991 under a pseudo-Italian title of "un cento per cento di morone" and later digitized into the site logo. You can download a large-size PNG file if you're interested. Perhaps print it on a T-shirt or tattoo it on your bicep.

Dedoimedo icon

What is your operational setup?

You may be wondering where all the magic happens. I have a very big and complex setup, with a couple of desktops, roughly a dozen laptops, half a dozen other appliances and systems, a bunch of industry-grade hypervisors, several cloud-based virtual machines, and more.

Why did you disable comments?

Ah, a common misconception. I NEVER enabled comments in the first place, which is why I also never disabled them, you see. I had long decided that moderating comments is hard work, and that I prefer to focus on writing articles rather than sorting out through the forest of spelling, grammar, trolling, and an occasionally good comment that may happen now and then. Looking across the wider Web, the last kind are quite rare. You are more than welcome to contact me by email though.

Do you have any party tricks?

I can do mean impressions of Alan Rickman (Hans Gruber) and Sean Connery. Honest. I can also sing - and I like to sing - in about 20-30 languages, so if there's a mic, I'm gonna rush it.

How many of these questions were genuinely asked by your fans?

I'd say a perfect 5/7 on average. The rest I just felt like sharing.