The Betrayed book website is up and running!

Updated: February 17, 2012

Dear readers, I am most pleased to announce that the website for my book series The Lost Words, of which The Betrayed is the first book, is now up and running. Please hop over there and have a good look. Or if you prefer, then you type in your browser address bar. It's a modern and sleek site, with a content management system, and you get comments, too!

There's more. A few weeks back, I asked you to vote on what sample chapters you wanted to read before buying the book. Originally, I intended to publish three random chapters. Bot not everyone likes that. Some people prefer consecutive chapters, starting with the very first one. So I asked you nicely, and you voted, and you made the difference. Your votes, comments and mails swayed my mind. So you get the first two chapters, for free. I would very much appreciate your feedback, whatever it may be. And if you happen to like the material, then don't let me stop you, spread the word, share, turn the heat on.

The book is still a few weeks away. I've just received my first physical proof and I'm loving it. There are a few small errors in the print, which will need to be corrected, but that's part of all this fun. And here's me holding my baby. Just a few weeks away. Can't wait. Party on!

