Support Dedoimedo

Updated: November 21, 2021

If you like Dedoimedo, and you wish to support this site's operation, then you may want to consider the following contribution options, in order of preference: 1) buy, read and review my fiction books available on Amazon 2) buy my Problem Solving and System Administration Ethics books, also available on Amazon 3) buy my pay-what-you-want Linux Kernel Crash Book, available directly from Dedoimedo and entirely free, but you may still want to make a symbolic payment 4) the two Great Linux World Maps.

A select list of some of my fiction books

Each image links directly to the relevant Amazon book page.

Some of these books are also available on Audible and Smashwords!

Specifically, you may be interested in The Betrayed, the first book in the complete four-book fantasy series The Lost Words. It is available for free download on Smashwords, no strings attached. If you like it, please consider buying the other books, too.

Technical books

The PayPal buy button for the Linux Kernel Crash Book is available directly below. The prices range from USD1 to USD50. The Problem Solving and System Administration Ethics books are available from Amazon and other stores.

Linux Kernel Crash Book

Great Linux World Maps

The maps are entirely free, but you may still want to buy them as a symbolic gesture. The prices range from USD1 to USD50. The PayPal buy button is available directly below.

Great Linux World Map 1.0

Great Linux World Map 2.0

Great Linux World Map


Until 2011, Dedoimedo also allowed donations. However, personal and organizational fundraisers are not allowed in PayPal terms of service, which is why I discontinued this service. Existing donations were refunded. Many thanks to all those who participated.

Names: (2011) Peter, Daniel, Jaume, Stojan, vasco, Anon, Francis, Sutandra, Jonke, Takashi, shmariau, David, Luis, Ton, jean-jacques (2010) Goekhan, Photography Center, Stoyan, Ramesh, Christos, Raph, Ben, Slavoljub, Juan, Peter, Anon, Ian.

Enjoy your stay, and thank you for your support.