The next step is to set your local Date and Time. This is pretty straightforward, I dare say.
After this step, the setup will continue to install for a few minutes. Once again, you will be able to read on-screen tips about Windows XP (no screenshot provided). The next step will be to configure your Networking settings. You can use the Typical settings, and they should work just fine. However, I have chosen the Custom settings to show you what they look like.
It is possible that you will not want one of the components to be installed. You can uncheck it at this stage. Later on, you will be able to install it if you need it. You may also want to look more deeply into what each component means and what it offers. Brief explanations are offered in the Description field for each highlighted item. During the installation, by default, all of the options are selected and you should leave them that way.
The next step is to associate your computer with a workgroup. If your computer is a member of a small household network that shares resources, you might want to give it a name of the household workgroup. Again, you may change this setting later. If your machine is a standalone workstation, you should not bother with the Workgroup name.
The setup will now continue for some time.
Eventually, after some time, the computer (virtual machine) will reboot and start loading the Windows. That is what we want to see.
Before the Welcome screen, if your graphic adapters are properly configured, like in the particular case of this virtual machine, Windows will present you with a message that it adjusts the screen resolution to a pre-defined optimized standard. You will be able to change this later on.
After changing the resolution, Windows will ask you to confirm it. Some monitors might not be able to display the desired settings. For instance, a very old monitor might be limited to only 800x600 resolution. Trying to set a higher value will result in a black or flickering screen, and you will not be able to confirm the adjustment. If within 30 seconds you do not confirm the change, the display settings will be reverted to the basics (the one used during the installation).